Friday, October 29, 2010

Mother & Son

 Throughout my 18-year life, my Mother has always been there for me, and has proved counteless times that she always will be there for me. Even though I talk back and am not always as respectful as possible, I am grateful for a Mother that would sacrifice eveerything she owns to help me out.  Since elementary school, my Mother has  given her time to help me with homework or projects. When I was younger, I could hardly understand how much my Mother was really giving. Instead of working, she used her time to make sure that I got everything I needed and more. My Mom rarely denies requests that I have for help and if she does, she always makes it up to me. I love the fact that I can always depend on my Mom for anything, whether this means picking me up or helping me put the finishing touches on a project. Along with helping me out physically, my Mother facilitates me mentally. She constantly encourages me not to settle for less than what I am capable of. Along with my Father, she has taught me that mediocrity is unacceptable when I am capable of greatness. For most things I do in life, I apply this mindset and it has worked out quite well over the years. I thank my parents for what they have done for me and attribute my success to them. Even though I won't see them as often as I do now when I'm in college, I plan to continue to learn from my parents because I truly believe that they have my best interests at heart.


  1. Your parents are awesome xD. Good job

  2. I think it'd be nice if you bought her a just-because gift to show her your appreciation :)

  3. My Father and I get her flowers and things throughout the year just because. dont worry haha

  4. i only have a stable relationship with my mother and she does everything for me good job
