Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our Meaning

I believe that our meaning on Earth is to develop ourselves intellectually and make the best use possible of the resources we have been given. I think that we are meant to figure out how to live in the most efficient way and make the world a better place for each generation to come, if possible. As of right now, it seems that we (at least in American society) continue to drain the resources that we find on this planet, which I'm sure will have negative consequences far down the road. On the other hand, the advances that humans have made in science and technology are amazing when you think about. The fact that we have been able to take minerals ans metals and develop them to the point where I can communicate with a friend on the other side of the planet from a handheld device is absolutely amazing. I think that, from a scientific point of view, humans are bettering themselves and the world each and every day. We are discovering things that will benefit the generations that are around now, and are laying the groundwork for the next generation to advance even further. From an ecological and economic standpoint, we are probably doing more harm than good everyday that we exist on this planet. Unfortunately, the way that things have been set up depend heavily on resources such as oil. A day on Earth without any use oil would probably be the most unproductive day in decades, if not centuries. As far economic issues go for advancement and development, they are relatively short-term issues. In comparison to the large time horizons the environment and technology have, the time that it takes to change economies seems to be much less. Nonetheless, I feel that it is everyone's duty to leave what they have or had better for the next generation of people. This is the only way to promote the efficient use of the Earth and the well-being of the people that inhabit this planet.


  1. I share the same belief. Good job!

  2. Nice examples. Do you believe we all have the same meaning and that they do not change based off our beliefs?
