Friday, November 5, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs

I think that most classes would improve greatly if they were more interactive. For all of the different classes in the world, there are millions of possibilities for allowing students to be more involved in the learning process. I definitely find it more difficult to take in information during classes where teachers just talks for fifty minutes straight. Unless the teacher is talking about something that I'm truly interested in, it becomes difficult to stay awake, let alone actually learn something. For topics that aren't interesting to most students, teachers should take measures to make sure that there are interesting ways to convey the lessons to the students. In this class, the discussions that we have keep the class interesting and actually help aid the lessons that we're trying to learn. With a more interactive approach to learning, there will be an increase in tests scores and students would actually  understand the test material. It's important that teachers can realize what kind of activities would stimulate students' minds and help them learn essential lessons. I think that these measures should be implemented in high schools especially because most of our school day consists of being spoken to by teachers for long periods of time, which bores us most of the time. Engaging the students with activities other than busy work would benefit the teachers and students because there would be less disruptions during class and students would be comfortable with the material that they are learning. Hopefully, these strategies can be put into motion soon.

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