Thursday, October 7, 2010

God in 2010

In current times, I think that most people see God in a positive light. A small group of people see God as someone who brings pain to people and view Him in a negative light. There is also a group of people that don't believe in God at all. For the most part, however, I feel that God is believed to be a source of good for a majority of people. Some people question if there is a God when disasters such as hurricane Katrina occur. Others believe that God has a grand plan, and things happen (good or bad) in this world so that better things can come along in the long run. I also think that God is widely thought to be a source of good because of the tremendous amount of people that still attend church each and every Sunday. I don't know if a majority or minority of Americans attend church, but I know that many people do. These people are seeking to worship God because they feel that this is the right way to find stability in their lives. Along with going to church comes prayer, which is widely known as the way one can communicate with God and let their troubles be known. While there are people that think prayer is simply talking to yourself, many people strongly believe that God is listening and will find a way (most of the time indirectly) to help them with their problem(s). In conclusion, I believe that God is viewed in more of a positive light than negative or indifferent light in 2010. I feel this way because of firsthand and secondhand knowledge that a lot of people today still pray for God's help on a daily basis and that church is a very important place in many people's lives.

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