Saturday, April 23, 2011


I am an only child. In our society, this is probably the situation that is most closely related to loneliness. I have wished that I wasn't an only child and, at other times, have been quite happy that I don't have any siblings. I'd say that the happy and not-so-happy times cancel out, for the most part. I don't really think about it too much anymore, as I've come to terms with my situation. As busy as I've been with college decisions and visits and regular work in and out of school, I really don't find too much time to be sitting around wishing that I had siblings. Besides, the family that I have is great, no matter how small it is. I have two first cousins who have been like brother and sister to me, as long as I can remember. One is a few months older than me, and the other is a week younger. I grew up very close to each of them and I still regard them as close enough to be brother and sister. My Father really has been great, in that he kind of picked up the slack of me being an only child. Most of the time, he acts more like a brother than a Dad, which can be funny and sometimes a bit annoying (of course, he is Dad when he needs to be). To say it simply, other family members of mine have been like siblings to me, which is why I never really became sad about not actually having a brother or sister. In fact, I don't think that I ever had a real problem with being a loner. I chose golf as my sport of choice, and no other sport is as individual a sport than golf. Sure, there a golf teams but, at the end of the day, golf is a one-man sport. There are some things that just aren't meant to be, and I suppose me having siblings is one of those things. I've made the best of it, and I don't think that I would change anything, even if I could.

1 comment:

  1. I'm an only child too! But I feel like I've told you that before already...probably in business or something. I agree with the whole sometimes wanting a sibling and sometimes not but yeah it's too late now kind of aha.
