Friday, February 25, 2011

X is Known

At this point in the book, Malcolm X has make quite a drastic change in his lifestyle. The main reason is because he can't keep up his regular hustling life while in prison. When his brother introduces Malcolm to Islam, he plants a seed that grows exponentially over a relatively short period of time. This time allowed Malcolm to formulate his own beliefs about what being a Muslim means, and gave him the opportunity to educate himself. He took the latter very seriously and eventually became a very well read person. Malcolm's interaction with Elijah Muhammad really motivated him to look further into the nation of Islam and make the journey his own. After a while of reading and exploring, Malcolm came to the point where he had strong convictions about how the modern world had been formed and had his own opinions about the condition of the black American. This is actually the point where Malcolm has made a 180 degree change in his thinking. It's amazing to think that only years before, Malcolm had never put any thought into books, let alone reading about religion and faith. He was only about hustling and living life as dangerously as he could. The reformation that Malcolm is going through in prison brings out the Malcolm X that is known and remembered now, the Malcolm that risked and gave his life to change the condition of the black American. For this reason, I could say that at this point in the book, X is known. X is known for both Malcolm and the reader.

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