Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thankful for a Classmate

I am thankful for just about all of my classmates in our philosophy class. My reason is that we are a diverse group of people, which only adds diverse thoughts a comments to our interesting discussions. Everyone doesn't  jump in all the time, but it's great that we have enough people that think differently in the classroom. Some people add humor to 5th period, and others add a great amount of insight to some of the conversations that we have. Basically, my point is that there is rarely a dull moment in our class because of the amount of interesting people that we have in the room. These students are all interesting in their own way, and this is why it;s a perfect mix for a philosophy class. Some of the topics that we bring up ultimately turn the classroom into a panel of people from different walks of life and of different perspectives. I think that this is the key to what has made and what will continue to make philosophy an interesting class. Another aspect of the students in this class that makes it great is that we seem to build off of one another's comments and don't attack each other for what we believe in (except maybe the cats). Overall, I'm grateful that we have a decent balance of students in the class, ranging from those that say what's on their mind without reservation to those that take in the highlights of the discussion before saying their peace. Again, I believe that this mix of people is a key element of what makes a philosophy class and it wouldn't really be the same without all of the students in this class.

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